ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance.
LV provides helpline access for men in its repair garages
LV has launched an initiative to provide men with a safe space to talk about their problems at the garages within the LV repair network.
Admiral defeats fundamentally dishonest fraudster; Ardonagh Academy launched; start-up Coral aims to disrupt LEI sector; and Pool Re to cut prices
For the record: Post wraps up the major insurance deals, launches, investments and strategic moves of the week.
Aviva and WWF outline 'whole economy approach' to Net Zero transition
Aviva and the Worldwide Fund for Nature have published a joint paper, setting out the steps they say the UK government must take to help businesses and the public sector tackle the climate and nature crises.
Brokers can play key role in Net Zero transition, says Allianz's Dixon
Brokers can play a key role in encouraging businesses to transition to Net Zero, Allianz chief underwriting officer Catherine Dixon has told Post.
Video Q&A: Prime Disaster Response directors Ciaran and Laurence O’Grady
As the business celebrates its tenth anniversary, Prime Disaster Response founders Ciaran and Laurence O’Grady spoke to Insurance Post content director Jonathan Swift about the growth of the business.
Motor Mouth Podcast: Is telematics finally ready to go mainstream after many false dawns?
Welcome to the latest episode of the Motor Mouth podcast, as we count down to the Insurance Post Motor and Mobility event on the 15 June at Mercedes Benz World.
Editor's comment: We'll meet again
As this issue lands our thoughts will be turning to the British Insurance Brokers’ Association Conference and its return to a face-to-face event in its traditional home of Manchester.
Motor Mouth Podcast: What challenges do EVs pose for insurers?
Welcome to the return of the Motor Mouth podcast, as we count down to the Insurance Post event Motor and Mobility on the 15 June at Mercedes Benz World.
Be cautious, optimistic and make up for lost time, advises RSA's Ken Norgrove
The UK insurance sector is facing some key headwinds in the current economic climate, but, as Ken Norgrove, CEO of RSA Insurance explains, it also has a lot to be proud of.
2021 insurtech funding breaks record; Aviva in Tractable tie-up; Dive-In Festival theme announced and Lloyd's syndicate offers adjusters green bonus
For the record: Post wraps up the major insurance deals, launches, investments and strategic moves of the week.
Zurich charitable foundation joins with Unicef to raise funds for youth mental health
The Z Zurich Foundation and Unicef have launched a campaign to raise funds for programmes to support the mental health and psychosocial well-being of young refugees who have fled the war in Ukraine.
Blog: How using recycled parts can help address claims inflation and meet ESG objectives
Motor insurers and their salvage partners must work together to overcome the hardships of UK living costs rising and world events driving economic uncertainty. Jim Loughran, CEO of e2e Total Loss Vehicle Management explores how an end-of-life vehicle is…
Price walking ban pushes motor premiums up; Zurich opens branch; Handl acquires IPRS; Mason Owen MBO; and under 30s telematics sales rise
For the record: Post wraps up the major insurance deals, launches, investments and strategic moves of the week.
Intelligence: Greening the broking industry
Insurers are shouting loud and proud about the actions they are taking on environmental, social and governance issues, and this is moving down their supply chains too. Fiona Nicolson investigates how the broking sector is being affected by this, and how…
Revolut in Allianz tie-up; AUB confirms Tysers talks; QBE poses resilience challenge; and Rear’s SPAC Financials Acquisition Corp to raise £150m via listing
For the record: Post wraps up the major insurance deals, launches, investments and strategic moves of the week.
Editor's comment: Walk the walk on ESG
Last August the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report warned that ‘unless there are immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, limiting warming to close to 1.5°C or even 2°C will be beyond reach’.
Allianz’s Catherine Dixon explains why we should all be on the path to Net Zero
Meeting environmental, social and governance targets should be a relay race, with each baton pass advancing the cause towards Net Zero, explains Catherine Dixon, chief underwriting officer at Allianz Commercial.
Thatcham hails Mercedes’ move as 'milestone' in automated driving; Admiral strikes ADR deal; Marsh launches ESG rating; and MS Amlin commits to Net Zero
For the record: Post wraps up the major insurance deals, launches, investments and strategic moves of the week.
Intelligence: What does the future hold for ESG chief officers?
With the growing importance of environmental, social and governance issues, companies are starting to recruit people to senior executive positions to oversee their strategies. Pamela Kokoszka investigates if the role of chief ESG officer is here to stay,…
ESG blog: Valuing water – delivering access to water, sanitation and hygiene in Northern India
Looking at the S in ESG, Suzanne Scatliffe, global sustainability director at Axa XL, explains how the insurer is working with Water Aid to improve the quality of people’s lives by providing clean water, decent toilets and improved hygiene.
ESG Blog: Follow the Green Claims Code
Andrew Waddelove, head of sustainability at LV general insurance, looks at substantiating ESG claims, and considers what the Green Claims Code means for the insurance industry.
ESG Blog: On the trail of green regulation and reporting
With the new rules expected to come into force in 2022, which will make ESG reporting compulsory for big companies, Allianz's head of strategy and propositions Glen Clarke, considers what companies will need to do to account not just for their own…
ESG Exchange Q&A 2: How are insurers enabling their employees and partners to be green?
As part of our ESG Exchange fortnight, Post spoke to Ageas, Aviva, LV and Zurich to find out how insurers are thinking beyond their own firms and helping their employees, partners and their supply chain to adopt environmental, social and governance…
Blog: Insurtech – the power to make ESG happen
The Insurtech domain will be the driving force behind ESG for the insurance sector, writes Sam Evans, founding partner of Eos Venture Partners, a strategic insurtech venture capital fund.