Damisola Sulaiman

Damisola Sulaiman

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Articles by Damisola Sulaiman

Instanda CEO 'taken aback' by rival tactics

Instanda CEO Tim Hardcastle has claimed “established” insurtech providers are far from “fair and open” when competing with his business for deals with major insurance companies.

Protesters target Biba conference with street theatre

Greater Manchester Stop EACOP coalition chose to protest at the British Insurance Broker’s Association conference because the insurance industry is the “Achilles’ heel” of the fossil fuel projects it is campaigning against, according to member Martin…

UN creates NZIA replacement

The United Nations Environment Programme has replaced the now-discontinued Net Zero Insurance Alliance with a multistakeholder forum, although most former UK-based NZIA members have yet to join.

ABI unveils financial inclusion strategy

The Association of British Insurers has unveiled a financial inclusion strategy, which commits to addressing “unfavourable” premium finance practices and suggests exploring ways to subsidise motor cover for some drivers.

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