Insurance Post Forward Features List

Please find below full details of articles currently being written for Insurance Post. 

The following features, videos and analysis pieces are being produced for Insurance Post in the next few weeks.

If you would like to contribute comment, information or data to the features listed below, then please contact the journalist directly by no later than the deadline stated. Telephone interviews will be given priority over written submissions.


Get involved

Diary of an Insurer gives those working in the insurance industry a glimpse of what the working week is like for individuals in different functions across an array of companies in the sector. To share your experience of working in insurance please email

Our ‘60 Seconds with’ column allows you to really find out what makes middle managers tick. What can’t they live without, what chores do they hate and what would they call their autobiography? Do you know a middle manager who we should get to know better? Contact

Also, if you would like to share your thoughts on the latest insurance news, data, and market activity, then please email your opinion piece ideas to


Topic: How insurers keep Formula 1 motors running

Writer: Edmund Tirbutt (

Deadline: Thursday 20 June 


With Formula 1 in full throttle, Post examines how insurers support the motorsports industry.

  • As the motorsports industry is one of the fastest-growing in the UK, with around 4,300 companies related to motorsports, employing more than 41,000 people and turning over around £9bn a year, how has the insurance sector helped keep wheels turning?
  • Given the size, importance, and global scope of the motorsports sector in the UK, how is the insurance industry offering specialist offering cover for vehicles, competitors, teams, and businesses with real worldwide capacity for global risks?
  • What impact has fresh racing technology – and Formula E - had on the type of cover the insurance industry provides?
  • How do insurers cater for some of the world’s biggest sporting stars, tailoring personal accident cover to their individual requirements?


Topic: How insurers are saving media companies from cock-ups

Writer: Scott McGee (

Deadline: Thursday 27 June

With Yutree and Axa recently partnering to address underinsurance within the media and entertainment sector, how can providers make sure the likes of Netflix, Apple TV, Amazon Prime, etc, understand the risks they face?

  • Why are a growing number of insurers entering the media and entertainment insurance sector?
  • What lessons can be learnt from the fallout from Netflix’s Baby Reindeer? How can insurers help companies with legal and reputational issues?
  • With streaming becoming ever more popular, cyber issues are on the rise within the media and entertainment sector. How is insurance helping companies address this?
  • What other issues are there within the sector that insurers are helping with?


Topic: Is travel insurance still an ‘easy target’ for fraud?

Writer: Tom Luckham (

Deadline: Thursday 27 June

Following calls for a travel insurance claims fraud database, is data sharing up to scratch when it comes to fraudulent travel claims?

  • Is current fraud data available outdated, as some claim?
  • Has the IFB’s warning about fraudsters turning to travel to make up for expensive holidays materialised?
  • What actions are firms taking to combat travel insurance fraud?
  • Does the sector need to up its game when it comes to travel?


Topic: Are insurers that race to be online-only excluding disabled customers?

Writer: Damisola Sulaiman (

Deadline: Thursday 27 June

Earlier this year, the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee made recommendations on how insurers could improve access to products and services for disabled people.

The committee, which examines the work of the Government Equalities Office, called for whoever holds the keys to Number 10 in July to work with businesses to overcome barriers to achieving inclusive design and publish guidance on best practice.

  • How are insurers working to improve their understanding of the barriers disabled consumers face when trying to purchase cover of claim online?
  • What changes have insurers made to improve digital accessibility?
  • What are the biggest challenges to making insurance products digitally accessible, and how are they being addressed?
  • How are providers checking the online experiences of disabled customers?
  • No, you can’t get final sign-off

Dear PR friends,
Following some requests received by Insurance Post’s freelancers and in-house journalists, we’d like to clarify a few points regarding quotations.

  • We prefer you to trust us and not ask to check the quotations. Interviews are recorded; the points made by the spokesperson will be reported faithfully.
  • For features, if you need to get the quotes approved, let us know in advance and get them signed off well within deadline. You’ll be able to see your spokesperson’s quotes, not the whole article.
  • In some cases (technical points, figures, dates, unusual spellings), we’re happy for you to check we didn’t make mistakes.
  • Only factual mistakes will be amended.
  • We have a style guide and we’ll stick to it.

If you find these rules unreasonable, you may opt out of contributing comments. But we hope to continue working with you in a constructive and trusting atmosphere.

The Insurance Post team

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