Scott McGee_News Editor_Insurance Post

Scott McGee

Scott McGee, News Editor, Insurance Post

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Articles by Scott McGee

Q&A: Nigel Walsh, Google Cloud

Nigel Walsh, global head of insurance at Google Cloud, explains how insurance is moving from predict to prevent, and shares why providers will fall into two buckets when it comes to artificial intelligence over the next 12 months.

Is insurer service really that bad?

News Editor View: After comments from Jensten’s Alistair Hardie earlier this week saying no insurer gets service right and that we should “rip up the service rule book and start again”, Scott McGee asks: Is it really that bad?

Is premium finance still a tax on the poor?

News Editor’s View: Scott McGee considers whether recent steps taken by trade bodies to address premium finance will reassure the Financial Conduct Authority that this payment method is no longer a ‘tax on being poor’ that needs to be tackled.

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