Insurance Post Staff

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Articles by Insurance Post Staff

Aiming for a direct hit.

After successfully targetting motor, household and travel insurance, direct writing outfits now have other sectors in their sights. Steve Banner discusses which areas might prove to be sitting ducks.

Run-off economies.

Lambourn Insurance Services has bought insurance broking account surplus and the right to manage the...

Appointment at Rowe & Maw.

Jim Oulton has been promoted to a partner with Rowe & Maw. He joined the company in 1987 and since t...

To source or not to source?

Everyone is doing it, but is everyone doing it differently? Outsourcing is one of the most frequently discussed topics in the industry but, there seems to be little information. Post has teamed up with Winchester White to discover the facts.

Through the keyhole.

Minimal access surgery claims have accelerated over the last seven years, according to the Medical D...

ACEs high for Ericsson.

Ericsson has received a £130,000 order from ACE to supply its London operation, commercial and finan...

Appointment at Orion.

After being with non-standard motor insurance specialist Orion for a year, Rob Ryan has been promote...

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