Penny Black
One is the purveyor of gossip, rumour and wicked whispers in the insurance industry for @Insurance_Post. One can be found tweeting @PennyBlackPost
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Articles by Penny Black
Penny Black's Social World: April 2019
A battle of wits and words, breaking world records and investing in future generations
Penny Black's Social World: March 2019
Smashing targets for Shelter, resourcing research and taming the tides
Penny Black's Social World: February 2019
Walking for wells, real world cyber attacks and Grandads of the Atlantic
Penny Black's social world: October 2018
Ascending the Alps, relaunching rugby and seven marathons in seven days
Penny Black's social world: September 2018
Community Cup, defeating dementia, mental health plea and afternoon tea
Penny Black's Social World - July 2018
Sprintathons and stepping up, Pride parades and football fever
Penny Black's social world: June 2018
Mucky hacks, the Duchenne Dash and starring with stormtroopers
Penny Black's Social World - October 2017
Picture prizes, Harvey help, and determined dancers and drivers
Penny Black's Social World - August 2017
Daring to believe, running to achieve and a video to bereave