Big hitters of 2004 - have your say
Post Magazine is currently compiling the Post Powerlist 2004, an annual list of the 50 most in...
The changing landscape of terrorism
Outsourcing - backlash is inevitable
I read with interest Simon Machell's View from the Top piece ('Offshoring will not lead to consumer ...
Subsidence battle sees nature pay the price
I agree there are grounds for worry regarding subsidence liability and householders' vegetation (PM,...
Industry needs to be heard
With uninsured driving back in the headlines, the clamour for the introduction of windscreen insuran...
More women required for top jobs
The lack of women in senior positions in the insurance industry has often been commented on. PM has ...
Making progress
Edmund Megna looks at how the role of the reinsurance intermediary has evolved. What does this mean for (re)insurers?
Best foot forward
With the new year, comes the resolutions - Henry Keeling reveals his aims and his hopes for the global insurance industry
Sampling the local goods
By Isobel McCalman, Editor. It is always going to be a struggle to convince anyone who doesn't ever...
View from the Top - Shoot the sacred cow of annual renewal
David Martin, chairman, corporate division, Aon. It's time to shoot a scared cow. The one I have in...
Underinsurance: insurers at fault?
I read with interest about the growing problem of home under-insurance (Homing in on underinsurance,...
Don't let knowledge walk out the door
With the economy feeling like it's on the up, and companies moving from battening down-the-hatches m...
CBI tax incentives won't wash
The call by the Confederation of British Industry's president Sir John Egan for a system of pre-tria...
FSA's 21 days snub is a kick in the teeth for "good market practice"
The decision by the Financial Services Authority to abandon its plans for a statutory 21 days' notic...
Outsourcing outside the UK may not sway the public long term
As an employee of an insurance company (albeit in commercial underwriting) and a consumer, I questio...
Co-operation over windstorm data seems an obvious move
Another week, another call for insurers to co-operate and share claims information. This week, it is...
Week of upheaval shows broker is king
The last seven days has certainly proved to be interesting, what with a top five UK general insuranc...
Insurance needs a single focus to increase awareness
Having walked the boards at the House of Commons, the Home Office, Department of the Environment and...
FSA pulls back from 21 days
So after all the toing and froing, the Financial Services Authority published its final conduct of b...
Penny Black's insurance week
Zurich PR guru Wendy May was thrown to the lions last week, well, to be more precise Nicky Campbell ...
Phone calls do not amount to 'sales activity'
The feature about how the internet could change call handling for motor (and household) insurance se...
Offshoring will not lead to consumer backlash
The trend of moving call centres and back-office functions, such as claims handling and IT, overseas...
Call for ABI action on Abta
I read your front page article "Abta U-Turn on sale fines" in the last Post Magazine and reached the...
Big hitters of 2004 - have your say
Post Magazine is currently compiling the Post Powerlist 2004, an annual list of the 50 most influent...