AM Best
AM Best affirms Travelers Companies ratings
AM Best has affirmed the financial strength ratings (FSR) of A+ (Superior) and issuer credit ratings (ICR) of “aa” of Travelers, its property/casualty members and affiliate, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America (TCSA) and TCSA’s affiliate,…
AM Best removes ratings of Tunis Re from under review
AM Best has removed ratings of Tunis Re from under review with negative implications, and affirmed the financial strength rating of B+ and issuer credit rating of bbb-. The outlook assigned to both ratings is stable.
Solvency II to impact EU captive industry
The looming implementation of Solvency II will change the market environment dramatically for captive insurers according to recent research.
AM Best revises BP's captive Jupiter's outlook
AM Best Europe has revised the outlook of Jupiter Insurance to stable from negative and affirmed the financial strength rating of A (Excellent) and issuer credit rating of "a".
Chaucer rating unchanged as largest shareholder rejects bid
AM Best Europe has said that the financial strength rating of A (Excellent) and issuer credit rating (ICR) of “a+” of Lloyd’s Syndicate 1084 and the ICR of “bbb” of Chaucer Holdings are unchanged following the announcement that the board of CH has…
Overseas focus - China: a market of opportunity?
With an enormous population and low insurance penetration, China should be a market ripe for entering. Jakki May finds out it isn't as simple as it sounds but reveals an appetite for change and growth.
AM Best affirms ratings of Swedish insurer Solid
AM Best Europe has affirmed the financial strength rating of B+ (Good) and the issuer credit rating of “bbb-” of Solid Forsakringsaktiebolag(Sweden).
AM Best affirms ratings of Swedish insurer Solid
AM Best Europe has affirmed the financial strength rating of B+ (Good) and the issuer credit rating of “bbb-” of Solid Forsakringsaktiebolag(Sweden).
Omega rating under review over exposure management concerns
AM Best has placed the financial strength rating of A- (Excellent) and issuer credit rating of “a-” of Omega Specialty Insurance (Bermuda) and the ICR of “bbb” of Omega Insurance Holdings under review with negative implications.
AM Best assigns ratings to GBG Insurance
AM Best Europe has assigned a financial strength rating of B+ (good) and issuer credit rating of “bbb-” to GBG Insurance Guernsey (GBG).
Weighing Solvency II impacts on AM Best
Am Best said the implementation of Solvency II is shifting the focus from its quantitative impact to the specifics of the implementation.
Post Europe: Captives and the regulatory environment
Protected cell companies have been making the headlines lately but Vic Wyman reports on whether changes to the regulatory environment might put an end to this.
Axa declared largest insurer in the world by net written premium
The world's largest insurers, measured by assets and net premiums are based in Japan and France respectively, AM Best has found in its annual ranking of global insurers.
AM Best affirms and upgrades Ecclesiastical ratings
AM Best has affirmed the financial strength rating of A (Excellent) and the issuer credit rating of "a" of Ecclesiastical Insurance Office (United Kingdom).
AM Best affirms ratings of Russian Re
AM Best Europe has affirmed the financial strength rating of B+ (Good) and issuer credit rating of “bbb-” of Russian Reinsurance Company JSC. The outlook for both ratings is stable.
AM Best positive on Swiss Re after rating revision
AM Best has revised the outlook to positive from stable and affirmed the financial strength rating (FSR) of A (Excellent) and issuer credit ratings (ICR) of “a+” of Swiss Re and its subsidiaries.
AM Best positive on Swiss Re after rating revision
AM Best has revised the outlook to positive from stable and affirmed the financial strength rating (FSR) of A (Excellent) and issuer credit ratings (ICR) of “a+” of Swiss Re and its subsidiaries.
Interview - Roger Brown: Adding value for members
Roger Brown is nearing his second full year as managing director of the ECIC. Mairi MacDonald talks to him about the changes instigated and challenges ahead.
AM Best upgrades Zurich ratings
Rating agency AM Best has upgraded Zurich’s financial strength to A+ (superior) and its issuer credit rating to AA-.
AM Best affirms Axis ‘A’ rating
AM Best has affirmed the financial strength rating (FSR) of A (Excellent) and issuer credit ratings (ICR) of “a+” of Axis Specialty and its operating affiliates.
AM Best affirms Hiscox 'A' rating
AM Best has affirmed the financial strength rating (FSR) of A (Excellent) and issuer credit rating (ICR) of “a” of Hiscox Insurance Company (Bermuda), Hiscox Insurance Company and Hiscox Insurance (Guernsey), all operating companies of Hiscox Ltd …
Am Best revises Hannover Re rating
AM Best Europe has revised the outlook to positive from stable for the ratings of Hannover Re and its related debt issues and rated subsidiaries.
Munich Re affirmed as A+ by AM Best
AM Best has affirmed the financial strength rating (FSR) of A+ (Superior) and issuer credit ratings (ICR) of “aa-” of Munich Re and its subsidiaries.
Monte Carlo roundtable: State of play
Mairi Mallon leads proceedings at the annual PricewaterhouseCoopers-sponsored Reinsurance roundtable at the Monte Carlo Rendezvous, where industry experts gathered to talk about the industry's hot topics.