AM Best
Europe: Berating the ratings
Fitch Ratings caused a stir when it criticised the Insurer Financial Strength ratings issued by one of its main rivals, AM Best.
Top 100 UK Insurers 2016
How have the top 100 insurers fared over the past year? What have been the highs and lows faced by the market?
Top 30 European insurers 2016: At the top of their game
A lack of large natural disasters, favourable exchange rates and a number of sizeable mergers have seen many of the top 30 European insurers weather the tough environment and climb the rankings
Storms Elvira and Friederike will dampen French and German earnings
Storms Elvira and Friederike will dampen the first half 2016 earnings of French and German insurers, though it is unlikely there will be any negative rating actions as a result, according to AM Best.
Qatarlyst founder Sutherland passes away
James Sutherland, commercial director, Asia-Pacific, at AM Best and founder of Qatarlyst sadly passed away suddenly on 26 February in Hong Kong at the age of 58.
AM Best places AIG under negative review
AM Best has placed AIG's credit ratings under review with negative implications.
AM Best predicts December storms will pressure 2015 earnings
The December 2015 storms and floods will put pressure on the 2015 earnings of UK property insurers but will have little impact on balance sheet strength and ratings, according to AM Best.
Asia Listings: A closer look at Asia-Pacific
The general insurance market is not uniform in the Asia-Pacific region. From consolidation in Japan to potential in China to sophistication in Australia, movers and shakers face a variety of situations and opportunities.
Europe: Insurers see opportunities in Chinese volatility
Insurers are confident they see opportunities arising from the recent Chinese stock market volatility, despite AM Best warning it could make it even harder to find good returns.
AM Best Commentary: Feeling the pinch
A number of market conditions are placing increasing pressure on the UK non-life sector. What will insurers need to do in order to ensure profits remain strong?
AM Best warns of limited investment options for insurers
European insurers are well positioned to withstand the current stock market volatility, having made significant changes to their investment portfolios in recent years, according to AM Best.
Top 30 European Insurers: The cream of the crop
Post, in association with AM Best, has compiled a list of the top 30 European non-life insurers. How have the rankings changed since 2013 – and how have currency fluctuations changed the standings of those dealing primarily in US dollars?
More mega mergers expected as low interest rates and investment returns fuel M&A
Weak investment returns and ongoing soft market conditions have been cited by AM Best as driving factors behind an uptick in acquisitions activity among insurance companies that are seeking to deploy capital and create scale.
Reinsurance pricing pressure to continue in 2015
Ratings agency AM Best is forecasting reinsurance pricing to remain under pressure in 2015 given continued pressure from alternative capital and the lack of a price-changing event in the past few years.
News Editor's Comment: Countdown to the election
With just three weeks until a general election where the only certainty looks set to be the absence of an overall majority, business leaders across the UK are clamouring for a combination of progress and stability.
AM Best opens Singapore office
Ratings agency AM Best has opened its second office in Asia-Pacific after opening one in Hong Kong sixteen years ago.
Scenario testing required as industry concerns over EU exit increase
Insurance firms are being urged to adopt scenario testing from this year in preparation for the proposed referendum on the UK's European Union membership under a future Conservative government.
Reinsurers eye greater share of primary business as rate pressure continues
Global reinsurers are increasingly looking to shift their portfolios towards primary business in the face of continued rate pressure, according to an AM Best report.
QBE's outlook revised to stable
Australian (re)insurer QBE's ratings outlook has been upgraded after taking a number of capital measures.
Insurers to remain reliant on Pool Re in face of large potential losses
Insurers are likely to continue to participate in Pool Re despite the proposed levy increase, according to a briefing from AM Best.
Galactic loss and Antares explosion likely to put pressure on rates
The recent crash of the Virgin Galactic test flight and the Antares rocket explosion will put upward pressure on rates across the aviation sector, according to AM Best.
International: Colombia - Magic and realism
The expansion and opening up of the already attractive Colombian insurance market is set to accelerate following the latest breakthrough in the negotiations to end its long-running drugs-related guerilla war
Delegated Acts publication boosts confidence in Solvency II go-live date
Analysts say pillar three needs ‘significant’ resources as insurers behind on this
Top 100 UK Insurers 2014: Top 20 insurer profiles
A detailed look at the top 20 UK insurance firms according to AM Best's Top 100 UK Insurers Table, including board members, broker agencies, staff and UK reserves. For full table and map of regional offices see bottom of page.