Association of British Insurers (ABI)

Editor's comment: Can’t we all just get along?

A mother’s word is often law. Both sides of whatever argument are heard, and then a ruling is made. Brief mutterings may ensue but these are quickly quashed and life goes on, hopefully in a more peaceful manner.

Mass challenges insurers to keep their promises

Craig Budsworth, chair of the Motor Accident Solicitors Society, has said the question around the reduction of legal costs is "no longer relevant" and called insurers to keep their promises of lower premiums.

Biba and ABI agree Toba template

The British Insurance Brokers’ Association agreed a standard template with the Association of British Insurers for Terms of Business Arrangements.

Motor repairs: In need of repair

A recent investigation by Channel 4’s Dispatches slammed the motor insurance industry for its approach to repairs. Can the sector come back from the criticism?

MoJ sets RTA fixed costs at £500

The Ministry of Justice has confirmed that revised fixed recoverable costs for the Road Traffic Accident scheme will start at £500.

Elite Insurance rejoins the ABI

Elite Insurance has rejoined the Association of British Insurers 18 months after parting company with the trade body.

Rehab code use in PI claims continues to rise

The Rehabilitation code is now “a fully established part of the claims process”, according to a report by the International Underwriting Association and the Association of British Insurers.

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