Association of British Insurers (ABI)

MPs demand changes to riot payments

MPs on the Home Affairs Committee have demanded the government speed up payments to victims of future riots and permanently extend the application deadline to 42 days.

FSA appoints Peter Vipond

The Financial Services Authority has appointed former ABI employee Peter Vipond as head of department, insurance division.

ABI says OFT could cut claims costs

The Association of British Insurers claims the Office of Fair Trading investigation into motor claims is an opportunity to improve the personal injury compensation system.

ABI wants Solvency II to aid investment

The ABI has warned that the Eurozone crisis would not hold up Solvency II, but the new rules for how insurers hold capital should recognise the need for investment in long term projects needed for economic growth.

View from the top: Embrace the post-Jackson world

The Jackson reforms present a real opportunity. As we await the Ministry of Justice consultation response, let’s be optimistic and assume full implementation next year at sustainable costs levels with real incentives to keep cases ‘on track’.

ABI guide tackles “overzealous” H&S rules

The Association of British Insurers has published a new guide to tackle the “overzealous” interpretations of health and safety rules for the voluntary sector and small businesses.

Your say: ABI gauntlet thrown down...

An article published in the 3 November edition of Post started a bit of a debate between Auto Law legal director Lucy Bonham Carter and assistant director, head of motor and liability at the Association of British Insurers, James Dalton.

Editor's comment: Knowledge swap shop

The first of many: that appears to be the over-riding theme of this week’s insurance market developments. First we had the groundbreaking strategic partnership struck between Catlin and China Re, in a move both parties expect will prove extremely…

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