British Insurance Brokers’ Association (Biba)
IIB backs FSCS review
FSA review good news for brokers declares Barbara Bradshaw, chief executive of the Institute of Insurance Brokers.
Defaqto becomes associate member of BIBA
Financial research company also launches BIBA scheme ‘Engage G.I Broker Edition’
Biba applauds FSCS review agreement
Financial Services Authority agrees to re-examine broker funding and fees
Unenviable positions
Brokers must keep up-to-date of the latest developments in the insurance market to be in the best position to obtain the most suitable cover for clients, argue Andrew Blair and Joanne Whyld.
Getting away with it
The recession has meant brokers are now spending more time challenging insurers on their customers' claims, but some see the current environment as a good opportunity to add value, as Ana Paula Nacif reports.
Preparation is only half the battle
A recent survey found 98% of brokers would like to see business continuity planning as part of an insurance risk assessment. Stephanie Denton reports on a recent event where the possibility of this becoming a reality was debated.
Biba marine cargo scheme launched
Biba appoint Northern Marine Underwriters for new cargo scheme
Biba conference 2010
Professionalism in a changing world' will be the theme of the British Insurance Brokers' Association 2010 conference at the Excel conference centre in London on 19 and 20 May 2010.
Biba unveils 2010 conference theme
CEO Eric Galbraith said event will address business issues facing brokers.
Biba broker search joins Aviva ad campaign
'Find a Biba broker' search to hit TV screens
Biba welcomes Tory assurance of "cautious" reform
Brokers must not be "shoe-horned" into another set of regulation, says Biba CEO.
Stuck in the middle
If a customer's claim is rejected, brokers are increasingly finding themselves in the centre of negligence claims. Daniel Dunkley reports on how they can take themselves out of the firing line.
Biba and ABI help launch guide for solicitors PI
Insurers, brokers and solicitors issue guidance on PI renewal process.
Biba: insurers dragging their feet over claims
CEO Eric Galbraith highlights research which finds 58% of brokers are fighting harder to get claims paid.
Slack steps down from Biba board
Mike Slack retires after seven years.