Intelligence: Pepping up the primary markets

The Financial Conduct Authority is currently consulting on proposals to encourage young, fast-growing firms to seek a public listing at an earlier stage in their development. Edward Murray investigates if this will give a boost to the insurance sector,…

Analysis: What's driving motor pricing?

Motor insurance pricing is set for a period of volatility in the months to come, as insurers remain tight-lipped on whether they are taking a ‘pig’, ‘sheep’, ‘ferret’ or ‘cat’ approach to cope with regulatory changes

RSA's Rob Flynn on embracing the SME evolution

Nearly six million small companies make up the backbone of the UK economy and the last 12 months have seen them adapt in ways that they have never had to before. Rob Flynn, director of UK SME at RSA, asks what insurers can and should be doing to help…

Watchstone opens legal claim process against KPMG

Watchstone, formerly known as Quindell, has filed a claim against KPMG in the High Court believed to be related to the accountant’s 2013 audit of the business, which previously led to a £4.5m fine for KPMG and a public reprimand from the Financial…

Interview: Airmic - incoming Board members

In March, Airmic appointed four new board members. Post spoke to them about what they hope to achieve and their assessments of where the risk management profession stands with regard to talent acquisition and diversity

Interview: Airmic board members

In March, Airmic appointed four new board members. Post spoke to them about how risk management has changed during their time in the profession, what they need insurers to deliver and emerging risks

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