Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB)

My Licence: Seal of approval

While the My Licence driver data-sharing initiative may have some obstacles to overcome, the industry consensus is that it should benefit all parties involved in motor insurance.

ABI unveils rehab insurer panel

The Association of British Insurers has revealed the make up of a new rehabilitation panel to provide a unified voice for insurers.

£5m of fines handed out to uninsured drivers

More than £5m worth of fines have been collected from thousands of uninsured drivers since the Continuous Insurance Enforcement initiative was introduced as law two years ago.

Leader: Fraud: insurers’ enduring foe

The insurance industry is learning it needs to evolve and adapt to survive and, to be fair, in the past five years it has increased its use of technology, reintroduced telematics and developed apps for mobile devices.

David Neave joins Parabis board

The Co-operative's outgoing general insurance managing director David Neave has become Parabis' first non-executive board member since it gained an alternative business structure licence last August.

IFED’s biggest investigation ends with guilty plea

The Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department’s biggest investigation, launched over a year ago, has concluded today with a fraudster pleading guilty to selling hundreds of non-existent car insurance policies to drivers across the UK.

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