Swiss Re

Insurance the micro way

Much of the world's population has now moved out of extreme poverty and into the lower middle class. Francesca Nyman examines whether there is a market for micro-insurance in this demographic.

Swiss Re nearly halves Q1 COR to 85%

Swiss Re has reported "strong underwriting, good investment performance and lower than-expected major natural catastrophe claims" for a "very strong first-quarter" net income of $1.1bn compared to a loss of $665m for Q1 2011.

Asian aviation: risk or opportunity?

The Asian aviation market is set to grow rapidly in the next 20 years, bringing many opportunities for insurers. But Edward Murray asks whether underwriters are taking all the future risks into consideration.

The challenges of the solar market

Solar power is a firm part of the green movement in Europe but, with government cuts becoming increasingly common, Jakki May asks whether this renewable energy will continue to be affordable and efficient.

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