
The top 30 European Insurers 2022: A return to growth

Europe’s 30 largest non-life insurers returned to growth in 2021 and – although high inflation, supply chain disruptions and surging energy prices should translate into premium growth – Mathilde Jakobsen of AM Best explains that profitability is expected…

Intelligence: Product recall and labelling laws

Natasha’s Law has opened up a fresh range of risks for food businesses, while Brexit and Covid-19 have impacted product recall in other areas and ways. Post looks at what insurance cover is available for firms and what triggers they respond to

Interview: Adam Winslow, Aviva

Adam Winslow, UK & Ireland GI CEO at Aviva, talks to Stephanie Denton about commercial growth, meeting high standards and getting the triangle right.

The top 30 European Insurers 2021: A turbulent time

The impact of Covid-19 saw the European non-life insurance market report a decline in gross written premium and profit after tax. Mathilde Jakobsen, director, analytics, Amsterdam, AM Best, analyses the numbers and reports on the movements in the ranking…

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