
Penny Black's insurance week

Penny had a pleasant lunch at the RAC Club last week with one of her esteemed market contacts and was taken aback to hear their car had been stolen and they were having problems getting their claim paid by none other than Aviva. But that was only half…

R&Q profits hit $3.6m

Randall & Quilter's income rose 52% to £16.1m in the first six months of the year, up from £10.6m in the first half of 2009. The company's profit before tax was £5.8m (2009: £1.2m) and basic earnings for each share are 6.9p (H1 2009: 1.7p). The insurance…

Penny Black's insurance week

Ecclesiastical invited Penny and a bunch of insurance hacks for a snoop around Wellington Arch and Apsley House, home of the first Duke of Wellington, last week.

S&P affirms AA rating for Allianz

Standard & Poor’s has affirmed the stand-alone AA (stable) financial strength rating on 12 August for Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, the industrial arm of the Allianz Group.

S&P affirms AA rating for Allianz

Standard & Poor’s has affirmed the stand-alone AA (stable) financial strength rating on 12 August for Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, the industrial arm of the Allianz Group.

Rome II: Together in harmony?

Rome II aimed to simplify the way cross-border claims were dealt with. Paula Jefferson and Catherine Fox examine why it hasn't quite had the effect intended, with even the timing of the legislation being questioned.

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