Middle East
Interview - Jon Hancock: Getting under the skin
As UK commercial managing director for RSA, Jon Hancock is on a mission to find out what brokers really think of the insurer
Monte Carlo Rendezvous: A year of catastrophes
2011 has seen a series of serious natural catastrophes follow fast on those of 2010. How will this shape debate next week at Monte Carlo?
From the archives - 9/11 Terrorism: Ten years later...
A decade has passed since the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. How has the market for terrorism policies responded and recovered in that time?
Alex Forbes acquisition builds Marsh platform in Africa
Broker Marsh has reached an agreement to acquire the brokerage business of Alexander Forbes in Africa, subject to regulatory approval.
Takaful insurance: A future full of potential
Despite the failure of the first domestic Shariah compliant insurer, the Takaful market is predicted to have a great future. Sam Barrett looks at its potential for growth.
Crawford-Axa allegations unfounded
Twin-track investigations immediately launched following anonymous accusations of “sharp practices” in Crawford & Company’s handling of Axa claims have discovered the allegations to be unfounded.
Mercer names investment management head for EMEA
Michael Dempsey has been appointed head of Mercer’s investment management business for Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) and a member of the firm’s EMEA executive team and its global investment management leadership team.
Aon makes senior European appointments
Aon Risk Solutions has made three senior-level appointments for Aon GRIP Solutions in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Report finds insurance capacity remains buoyant in Europe
Insurers are still vying for lucrative accounts and insurance capacity remains buoyant in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, however, in some areas rates have increased, and insurers have tightened their policy terms and conditions in the second quarter…
Marsh forms global claims practice
Marsh has formed a global claims practice to harness its claims experience around the world.
GNL moves to create Takaful and Re-Takaful panel
New Shariah-compliant insurance broker GNL is planning to create a panel of insurers and reinsurers to work on Takaful and Re-Takaful commercial risk solutions.
Assurant Solutions appoints new European legal director
Assurant Solutions has appointed Christian Graville as European legal director.
Assurant Solutions appoints new European legal director
Assurant Solutions has appointed Christian Graville as European legal director.
New regulatory frameworks to aid captive insurance in Qatar
Plans to support the development of Qatar as a regional hub for captive insurance have been bolstered following the release of new regulatory frameworks applying to captive insurance, captive managers and insurance intermediaries.
Doors open at first RFIB Saudi office after licence secured
RFIB plans to open branches in Jeddah and the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia after being granted an intermediary licence to conduct insurance and reinsurance business in the Kingdom.
2014 is better Solvency II start date, say 60% of Aon Benfield conference delegates
Aon Benfield has released new findings that show 60% of European insurers attending its recent International Analytics conference think 2014 would be a better starting date for Solvency II.
RFIB granted licence in Saudi Arabia
RFIB Group, the Lloyd’s insurance and reinsurance broker, has been granted an intermediary license by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency to conduct insurance and reinsurance business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Climate change - Renewable energy: The future energy landscape
With the government committed to cutting carbon emissions and improving energy efficiency, the insurance industry may play a crucial role in providing effective cover, reports Mark Potter.
Aon: Threat of political unrest equal to terrorism
Political violence, strikes, riots, civil war and war now threaten businesses' growth, continuity and profitability as much as terrorism, according to Aon Risk Solutions.
Property claims: Marsh admits to 'red flag' concerns
Insurance broker Marsh warned that policyholders are still failing to buy sufficient indemnity periods as part of their business interruption cover.
AM Best removes ratings of Tunis Re from under review
AM Best has removed ratings of Tunis Re from under review with negative implications, and affirmed the financial strength rating of B+ and issuer credit rating of bbb-. The outlook assigned to both ratings is stable.
Energy insurance remains favourable despite natural catastrophes
Despite an unprecedented number of recent natural catastrophes, conditions remain favourable for most energy insurance buyers, according to Marsh.
Bin Laden death will not affect terrorism rates
The death of Osama bin Laden is "unlikely to have a material effect" on terrorism insurance rates in the short term, market figures have said.
Overseas market - Saudi Arabia: full of Middle Eastern promise
With a fast-growing insurance sector, Saudi Arabia is a country on the move. Dexter Morse gives a detailed overview of market developments and potential.