Middle East

Crawford-Axa allegations unfounded

Twin-track investigations immediately launched following anonymous accusations of “sharp practices” in Crawford & Company’s handling of Axa claims have discovered the allegations to be unfounded.

Mercer names investment management head for EMEA

Michael Dempsey has been appointed head of Mercer’s investment management business for Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) and a member of the firm’s EMEA executive team and its global investment management leadership team.

Report finds insurance capacity remains buoyant in Europe

Insurers are still vying for lucrative accounts and insurance capacity remains buoyant in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, however, in some areas rates have increased, and insurers have tightened their policy terms and conditions in the second quarter…

RFIB granted licence in Saudi Arabia

RFIB Group, the Lloyd’s insurance and reinsurance broker, has been granted an intermediary license by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency to conduct insurance and reinsurance business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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