Middle East

WHO issues virus warning

The World Health Organisation has said the novel coronavirus, which is similar to SARS, can pass between humans.

Diversified economy helps Kuwaiti insurers but challenges remain

Kuwait’s bid to balance its revenue sources through the development of non-oil sectors, along with more stringent regulation of the insurance market, will have beneficial consequences for the nation’s insurers, according to research by Timetric.

New risks threaten emerging market progress

Despite resilient growth, estimated at 5.1% in 2013, and improved sovereign and external fundamentals, emerging country risks have not disappeared altogether, according to Coface.

Clements opens Dubai office

Clements Worldwide has launched an operation in Dubai, its first on-the-ground location in the MENA region.

Singapore looks to remove contract uncertainty

As the London reinsurance market discovered in the last decade, contract certainty sounds simple, but isn’t. Andrew Tjaardstra finds out the latest developments as Singapore edges closer to becoming the first Asian reinsurance market to introduce…

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