
Interview: David Bearman, Aventum

Aventum CEO David Bearman explains the growth of the broking and underwriting firm to Emmanuel Kenning, tracing its route from a start up focused on retail UK SME to a global specialist and niche player that has plans to be a decade defining business.

Q&A: John Fowle, Chaucer

John Fowle, CEO of Chaucer, tells Post all about growth, being owned by China Re and the plans for the next 12 months as well as why the business undertook its recent rebranding and the importance of diversity and inclusion.

Q&A: Randall Goss and James Begley, Oxford Insurance Group

Post caught up with Randall Goss, chair and CEO of parent company US Risk, and James Begley, chief operating officer of Oxford Insurance Group, to track how the offering was formed, its growth, expansion and acquisition targets. The pair also share their…

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