
BVI sees captive flight

The British Virgin Islands has seen its popularity as a captive destination decline over the last few years, according to a report by research firm Timetric.

Captives: Eastern promise

Chinese companies are mulling over the idea of captives as a risk management tool and it seems that the trend might spread to Eastern Europe. Anna Pitton investigates.

Hong Kong targets captives

The Hong Kong government is to implement a 50% profits tax reduction on captive insurers' offshore insurance business.

Top 5 Asian news stories

The top five Asian news stories from over the past seven days.

Solvency II can be good for captives, Aon says

The Solvency II regulatory framework presents challenges for parent organisations and their captives structures, but it can also bring benefits, according to Markus Mende, Aon Risk Consulting's group managing director.

Jumping into the multi-national risk pool

Multinational pooling of group risk products seems to have so many benefits it's a 'no-brainer' but, as Edmund Tirbutt reports, the European market is holding back and wondering whether it's too good to be true.

Q&A with Fiona Le Poidevin, Guernsey Finance

After taking over from Peter Niven in July, Fiona Le Poidevin is just three months into her role as chief executive of Guernsey Finance, the promotional agency for the island of Guernsey. She spoke to Francesca Nyman about raising Guernsey's profile, the…

Randall & Quilter buys captive insurer Rab

Randall & Quilter Investment Holdings has completed the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of Guernsey domiciled captive insurer Rab Insurance from the owner Drakelow Development Holdings.

Firms in emerging markets eye captives to manage risk

Organisations in central and eastern Europe and additional emerging markets are keen to take advantage of risk management and risk financing solutions such as captive insurance companies, according to Aon Global Risk Consulting.

MDS offers self insurance facilities with launch of PCC

European insurance and reinsurance broking and risk consulting provider, MDS Group has launched of High Dome PCC, a protected cell company (PCC) to provide alternative risk financing services including self insurance facilities, access to reinsurance…

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