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News analysis: alarming revelations for commercial cover

The recent Mactavish-Pricewaterhouse Coopers report that declared commercial insurance 'not fit for purpose' is a wake-up call to the market. Insurers, brokers, company boards, government and the buying community should all take note, says John Hurrell.

Postbox: competency is crucial

I read the recent article "A focus on training" regarding professionalism in the claims sector with interest and wanted to take the opportunity to comment as it strikes me that a parity of focus doesn't exist between expertise in the property and motor…

Allianz launches repairer forum

Allianz has confirmed the launch of a new repairer forum to provide two-way consultation between the insurer and its network of suppliers.

Postbox: Customer communication key

I read with interest the recent interview with Imran Ahmed and Tony Sault providing insight into a consumer’s perspective of a motor claim and agree with the findings that demonstrate a “notable difference in satisfaction levels” between groups of…

View from the top: 2011: a case of déjà vu?

I have started 2011 with a strong sense of déjà vu as my colleagues in our claims teams deal with our customers' problems arising from the recent extreme weather conditions. I recall that January 2010 was much the same following another spell of bad…

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