Environmental liability
UK faces 100 climate change risks
A government report claims the UK is one of the best-prepared nations for the implications of climate change but lists the top 100 risks the country faces.
Spotlight on environment: Extreme measures
Extreme weather events can have enormous economic costs, with huge uncertainty surrounding them. So how can this uncertainty be communicated in a meaningful way to decision makers?
Spotlight on environment: Providing protection
With climate change increasing the likelihood of natural disasters, insurers must influence the debate on how businesses and governments manage risks such as supply chain failure.
Spotlight on environment: Getting protected
When the Statement of Principles on the provision of flood insurance expires next year, how will insurers address the 200 000 high-risk households left struggling for cover?
Russian liability law pushes up insurance costs
Stringent new legislation on the management and insurance of plants dealing in hazardous materials in Russia could have far-reaching consequences for companies operating in the region, according to Marsh.
Ironshore launches new environmental products for Europe
Dublin-based insurer Ironshore Europe has launched a suite of environmental products for the European market.
Your say: Environmental lobby stance
I read the article on fire protection sprinklers, The market needs saturating with interest, and agree with Andrew Miller that the environmental issues could be used as an extremely effective argument in the UK to lobby government.
Durban 2011: More than a once-a-year event
All eyes are focused on Durban for the 2011 UN Climate Change Conference. But according to many this is much more than a once a year event, reports Andreas Spiegel.
IUA calls for market solution to green risks
Market-driven solutions to environmental liability risks should take precedence over possible EU-enforced compulsory financial requirements, the International Underwriting Association has argued.
An audience with: Julian James, CII president
Next year sees the Chartered Insurance Institute celebrate the centenary of its being granted a Royal Charter. But far from sitting back and reflecting on past glories, the CII is determined to use its anniversary year to tackle the big issues set to…
Editor's comment: Sales, sprinklers and statistics
Any reputable estate agent — excusing the potential oxymoron — will tell you the property market falls quiet in the run-up to Christmas, as potential vendors focus on the festivities ahead. Not so in the insurance market, with an unexpected end-of-year…
Fire protection sprinklers: The market needs saturating
Despite research showing sprinklers significantly reduce economic damage and environmental impact following major fires, hopes for mandatory legislation remain low.
Generali enters the STOXX Europe Sustainability Index
Assicurazioni Generali has entered the STOXX Europe Sustainability Index and been reconfirmed in the FTSE4Good Index.
View from the top: The challenge to keep it cold
Global warming presents unique challenges for the industry, says David Weymouth.
Ace and Chubb experts lead Lloyd's environment consortium
Lloyd’s has responded to increased demand for higher levels of environment impairment liability coverage by launching its own environmental liability consortium.
Natcats and the insurance sector
The European Union is currently consulting on natural catastrophes. Vic Wyman reports on the part the insurance industry has to play.
Insurance Insight November
Insurance Insight November is now live with an article on The European Commission’s consultation on natural catastrophes; a look the challenges the life sciences sector is facing; and an interview with Jorge Luzzi, president of Ferma.
ELD poll result
Will changes to the ELD slow market development?
Reaction to proposed ELD extension
The CEA claims the proposed extension to the Environmental Liability Directive will be damaging for European insurers. Francesca Nyman asks the market for its initial reaction to the proposal.
NAO call on greater flood risk expertise at local level
The National Audit Office claim that local authorities must increase their technical expertise if they are to be given increased powers to identify flood risk and target investment.
Insurance Insight weekly update live - 28 October
Insurance Insight's weekly update is live with an article on Pan-European and Global business interruption cover; and a View from the Top on how insurers must be as global as the firms they work with.
Extending the ELD could have damaging consequences
A proposal today by the EC for a new law to regulate safety standards for offshore oil and gas operations could have unintended consequences for the environmental liability market, according to the CEA.
Editor's comment: Yet another call for action
How often do we hear that rallying cry for the insurance industry to up its lobbying credentials and persuade government to deliver change that will safeguard both citizens and businesses alike? All too often.
Climate change: A changing environment
With insurers rushing to provide environmental cover, how are they performing themselves in the climate change stakes?