Q&A: Paul Stanley, 360Globalnet

Paul Stanley, CEO & founder of 360Globalnet, speaks to Insurance Post about the software firm’s growth, digital claims, and the benefits of no-code systems.

What can you tell me about what 360Globalnet does?

360Globalnet offers digital claims management in the form of 360SiteView, our no-code digital claims management system.

After we formed the company in

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Evolving the insurance claims supply chain

The post-Covid world has thrown a wrench into the well-oiled machines of insurance claims. A persistent lack of resources – from car parts to building supplies – is causing delays and frustrations for both insurers and policyholders. In this environment, traditional supply chains are being put to the test. Izabela Chmielewska reports.

Unlocking AI’s potential demands a fresh approach

To unlocking artificial intelligence’s potential, Oliver Wyman partner Fady Khayatt argues that, rather than think about how the industry has always worked, insurers should envision what a role and process could become.

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