Swiss Re

The challenges of Cyclone Debbie

Cyclone Debbie was the costliest natural catastrophe to hit Australia for six years, while the scale of the event spurred innovation among insurers writes Nicky Burridge.

The cost of Hong Kong's typhoons

A typhoon signal 8 warning can cost Hong Kong's economy as much as HK$4.29bn (£427m) each day writes Swiss Re Corporate Solutions head of north Asia and Hong Kong branch manager Dylan Bryant.

Group risk: A group safety net

With state benefits set at low levels, the safety net of group risk cover has never been more valuable. But although sales are creeping up, providers and advisers believe there is much more that could be done to grow the market

Japan's earthquake gap

Despite being in a major earthquake zone the take up of insurance in Japan is relatively low. David Worsfold examines why.

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