British Insurance Brokers’ Association (Biba)

Intelligence: EU Trading - Doing business in Europe

With no post-Brexit equivalence or passporting regime available to UK brokers, they have had to explore other avenues to continue to trade across the European Union. David Worsfold explores the options open to intermediaries and the benefits they can…

Analysis: Brokers face PI exclusion dangers

Compliance consultants have highlighted the dangers for brokers of buying professional indemnity insurance with Covid-19 exclusions, warning that the Financial Conduct Authority can suspend permissions if firms do not get the right cover

Biba unveils 'resilience' theme for 2021 manifesto

The British Insurance Brokers’ Association has launched its 2021 manifesto with the heading of ‘Resilience’ as it highlighted the ways it said brokers can help as the UK adapts to a post-pandemic normal after Brexit.

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