
Q&A: Simon Axon, Teradata

Simon Axon, global financial services industry director at Teradata, explains how general insurance providers are lagging behind banks in making the most of their data and why Amazon’s style of operating should inspire boards to back investment in…

AI insurtechs dominate Q3 funding

Artificial intelligence-centred insurtechs dominated funding in the third quarter of 2024, securing $897.4m (£691.2m) across 29 deals, according to Gallagher Re.

Q&A: Mike Brockman, ThingCo

ThingCo founder and CEO Mike Brockman sits down with Insurance Post to talk about why the business has recently been in 'stealth mode,' how he hopes telematics can appeal to a wider audience, and potentially new markets he hopes to expand into.

AI should be used to fight crash for cash fraudsters

The increase in crash for cash incidents involving motorbikes is far more dire than it initially seems, warns Roi Amir, CEO of insurance technology company, who argues the solution is to fight artificial intelligence with AI.

Big Interview: Paul Brand, Convex

Paul Brand, group CEO of Convex, sits down with Harry Curtis to discuss the insurer and reinsurer’s plans to hit and surpass $5bn GWP, the difficulties of technology adoption, and why he thinks current market conditions are “brittle”.

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